Reviews of Ruma Chopra’s books 

"In her splendidly researched and argued book, Almost Home, Chopra reconstructs the serial relocations of the Trelawney Town Maroons from the mountainous interior of northwest Jamaica to their banishment to British Nova Scotia in 1796, and then their self-exile from Canada to British Sierra Leone in 1800. The author makes a highly original contribution by unveiling how free black communities negotiated slavery from three different venues. Theirs was a saga of grief, resilience, and tenacity within the context of European imperialism in the Americas and the brutalization of men and women from Africa. All academic collections."

"Chopra moves away from the conventional interpretation that paints British loyalists as obdurate elites and demonstrates the complicated, deep nature of the loyalists' relationship with the mother country...her postwar account of loyalist activities clearly illustrates the loss, disappointment, and fear the loyalists experienced in the aftermath of the Revolution. In sum, Unnatural Rebellion may be the best single-volume introduction to the experience of the Loyalists before 1783. Chopra has given readers a well-researched, methodologically balanced, and very perceptive study of a large group of Loyalists facing the seemingly unnatural ordeal of the American Revolution...Her discussion of the Loyalists and their goals and frustrations is outstanding."

"Choosing Sides presents Loyalism in all its complexity....she shows loyalists of all sorts, elite and plebeian, white, black, and native, male and female, making their choices and living with the consequences."

American Historical Review

Reviews in American History

Journal of American Studies

Journal of American Ethnic History

Journal of American History

Eighteenth Century Studies

Journal of the Early American Republic


Corcoran Department of History (University of Virginia)

The William and Mary Quarterly

The Historian

New York History

Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region